Today it snowed.....not just a sprinkle or a puff but it actually snowed and started around 3pm. So this morning I had already wanted to make homemade pizza and had the dough rising when my hubby got home. We both ran outside to play in the snow....actually he bombed me with snowballs and I tried to throw some but it didn't quite work out. But we came inside and I started the process of the pizza. I like HUGE pizzas and not a fan at all of thin crust. I have tried to make pizzas in the past with "pizza crust" recipes but they are always too bland and thin for me. So I wanted to try a sweet yeast dough recipe that I have for rolls. If the rolls are good, surely the crust will be too right?
I first had BBQ chicken pizza after my best friend, Erin, made it for me when I was in Physician Assistant school. It changed me life - ok, maybe that's a little much but I LOVE this recipe. Then my BFF, Kelli, has requested it as well. So here we go.
The Crust:
1 1/2 cups milk (scalded)
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup Crisco
1 envelope yeast
1/2 cup warm water
4 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
Scald milk first. For those of you who are like me and have no idea what "scalding" was, it basically means heat up just before the milk boils. Remove pan from heat and add baking soda and sugar. Then add the Crisco.
Warm water and add yeast. Mix and let sit for about 5 minutes.
Mix flour, salt and baking powder in a mixing bowl. Add the yeast mixture to the milk mixture but it has to be cool so give yourself some time to let the milk cool to room temperature. Slowly mix together. Then here comes the fun part. Dump some flour on your countertop and place your mixture onto countertop. Get flour all over hands and clothes as you knead the flour into the dough. It should be smooth and pretty when done. Place dough in a greased, clean bowl and cover with a towel. Place in a warm spot and let rise until doubled (about 2 hours).
Punch dough down after it has doubled and divide into 2 sections. (You can also divide into 3 or 4 sections if you don't want a HUGE crust like mine was. Then you can use the rest for Sunday night rolls.) Place one section on counter again and roll out until it forms a circle. I tried last night to do that cool "throw the dough in the air and spin it around" like all those chefs on TV does. I had to laugh as my husband was in the next room probably wondering what his crazy wife was doing. Dust your flat pizza stone with cornmeal and then lay the dough on top. Cover again with a towel and let rise again for about an hour.
Ok, now onto the pizza...
1 zucchini, thinly sliced
1 red onion, thinly sliced
3 chicken breasts, thawed and cut into 1 inch strips
1/4 cup BBQ sauce
2 cups Mozzarella Cheese
Fresh parsley, oregano, garlic
salt and pepper to taste
Olive oil
Heat olive oil in skillet. Add garlic, oregano, salt and pepper along with chicken breasts. Cook until chicken is done and keep until later.
Get your amazingly risen yeast dough out. Place your fingers softly in the dough in the middle to make a "crust".
Place it in a preheated 375 degree oven for about 20 or 25 minutes. Keep it in until the crust is brown. Let it cool 5 minutes and cut with your super cool pizza cuter. Yummy.
The husband told me it was one of the best meals yet. yeehaw!
I love cooking blogs and try to only read blogs of people I know. So double whammie! I can't promise to try any new recipes until summer but I'll be following!