Let me introduce you to my best friend, Kelli Gossmann.

Recently I received a text from Kelli that she tried meatloaf and I couldn't have been prouder that she came to the good side. She said it was ok. Then I was folding laundry and saw Paula Deen make a meatloaf so I texted Kelli and decided to post the recipe for meatloaf......it will change your life. Kelli, I sure love you and so thankful for your friendship. :)
(Can you find Kelli in this picture? Where's Kelli? Look for the beautiful smile and "English Queen wave".

G-mother's meatloaf
1 1/2 lb lean ground beef, browned and crumbled
1 1/2 cup of Saltine crackers, crumbled up fine
1 clove garlic, minced finely
1 teaspoon of oregano and basil
1/3 cup green pepper
2 eggs
1 8oz can tomato paste
1 Tablespoon Worchestershire sauce (did I spell that right?)
1/3 cup milk
1 package of dry onion mix
Mix all the ingredients into a bowl except save half of the tomato paste for later. Mix it together with your hands......get in there and mix it really well. (If it looks to dry, you can add some water to it so it forms together nicely) Then flop it into a greased loaf pan and bake in preheated oven at 350 degrees for 60 minutes. At the last 15 minutes of cooking mix the tomato paste with some pepper and ketchup to your taste. Place on top the beloved loaf and continue baking. You might have to cook it longer if it doesn't look done. Let stand for 10 minutes before serving. Serve with more ketchup. :) I'm truly obsessed with Ketchup so I add ALOT.
OK, so where do you stand in the meatloaf dilemma? Let us know and let me know if you try this one. Ok, Kelli I'm so thrilled for you and wish I could be there with you!

Yummers alli I love me some meatloaf! :) So here's a spin I use on mine. Instead of ketchup on top; I mix ketchup with brown sugar and warm it in the microwave - makes a yummy topping! - Becca